A Jewish Perspective ( on the Psalms) (N)
Religion Online – Stanley N. Rosenbaum, “Our Own Silly Faces: C.S. Lewis on Psalms”
My Jewish Learning – Rabbi Louis Jacobs , “The Book of Psalms, Traditional & modern views of the Book of Psalms, and the role of Psalms in Jewish liturgy”
Jewish Encyclopedia – Emil G. Hirsch, “Psalms”
Pray Unceasingly (C)
The Liturgy of the Hours
Poetry To The Ears III: Psalm 119 (N) – Poetry & Prayer III: Psalm 119 (C)
Eight Hebrew words are used to refer to God’s Word in Psalm 119:
1. The first word is promise or word, dabar in Hebrew; used 24 times: it means God’s spoken, revealed word.
2. The second word is saying, imrah in Hebrew, used 19 times: this is another way to say word, anything God has spoken, commanded or promised.
3. The third word is statutes, chuqqim, used 21 times: these are the rules that God gave to His people early in their history. It can be translated “laws”.
4. The fourth word is judgments, mishpatim, used 23 times: a later word for statutes, can be translated as judgements or rules or rulings.
5. The fifth word is law, torah, used 25 times: this means the first 5 books of the Bible. Later it included other books like Isaiah and Jeremiah. It is translated as “law” or “teaching” or even “revelation”.
6. The sixth word is commands, miswah/miswot, used 22 times: what someone with authority (God) tells you to do, orders.
7. The seventh word is precepts, piqqudim, used 21 times: these give us help when we want to know what to do. It is sometimes translated as “guidelines” or “instructions” in Psalm 119.
8. The eighth word is testimonies, eduth, used 23 times: these are the things that God tells us to do. Related to the word “witness”, keeping His testimonies means being loyal to the covenant or promise that God has made with us.
EWTN – Father Edward McNamara, “Substituting the Psalm”
The Catholic Liturgy Library – Chapter IV: The General Arrangement of Readings for Mass; 1. The Pastoral Purpose of the Order of Readings for Mass
Wellsprings – Psalms at the Mass (how selected)
**Additional Background to Psalm 119, excerpted from “50 Facts and Links for Psalm 119,” Posted by Sherry on 1/4/2015
@ semicolon Blog
Scriptural Secrets (N) – Hidden Treasures (C)
Bible Research
Catechetical Corner (N) – Catholic Passport (C)
Bible Research – Cyrus
Christian Courier – Wayne Jackson, “Cyrus the Great in Biblical Prophecy.”
Bible Story Time: The Broken Kingdom (T)
1 Kings 12-16 gives an account of the general unfaithfulness to the Lord by the split kingdoms up to the time of Elijah.