The Galley: Food for Thought

We persist in this Apostolate because the Catholic faith is beautiful, because it is true, and because it is good. We persist because the Church is Christ here-present, and, like a ship, protects and advances us toward Jesus Christ until He comes again. We persist because we have been charged with passing on our faith (see Deuteronomy 4:4-7; 11:19).

And, we persist because, to shamelessly co-opt a line from the movie, Chariots of Fire, ‘when we write, we feel His pleasure.’  Contact Us.

Presently, weekly copies of our three Faith Supplements are available for free downloading and printing.

Prayer for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Antiphon for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


God is  in his holy dwelling;
he will give a home to the lonely,
he gives power and strength  to  his people
                   Psalm 67:6-7.36

We post the sources to all articles in these Faith Supplements each Monday at noon to assist teachers and students in parochial schools and CCD programs. These sources not only support the facts of our articles, but offer more information to all readers. 

                                         Updated Announcement 

     Following the deaths that shook our staff, the writers and editors of The Catholic Navigator Apostolate endured  additional trials of illness and injury. Taking time for the healing required pushed us behind our publication schedule.  Thus, we  are continuing with ‘Catholic Navigator Classics,’ issues from this same period in 2018 until we begin posting new issues for the upcoming Advent season.

              OREMUS PRO INVICEM! (Let us pray for one another!)

The Catholic Navigator – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Catholic Clipper – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Please note that The Catholic Tugboat is intended for use by parent/teacher with the child.

The Catholic Tugboat – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Terms of Use (non-institutional): Because this material is copyrighted, you are permitted to freely read and/or download and print as many copies as needed weekly of each posted faith supplement for your personal or group use. However, the PDF file may not be duplicated or electronically transmitted, displayed on a website, or sent via email. Instead, please encourage friends and family at a distance to visit this website.

Voices from Catholic Land

We are awash in information, so much so that we are rightly wary  of what we read and hear. This is particularly true of what is served up by the ‘intellectuals’ that populate our sources of news and considered opinion. Are they  committed to truth? Masha Goeble, writing in Catholic Stand, raises the issue of truth and the intellectual by examining the vocation of the true intellectual:

For the Attention of Catholic Youth and Parent:

Today’s Catholic Land article is a help for Catholic parents in cautioning their children about what they hear and read.

Some Reliable Catholic Websites 

All are encouraged to peruse the source materials to add to the understanding gained in each issue. Happy reading!

A Note to Parents about resources to assist in faith formation at home: There is much information on the Internet to help you in teaching the Faith to your children. Some helpful suggestions in navigating the Web are available in this downloadable PDF file:

Finding Catholic teaching Sites

For more information about us, comments or inquiries, please Contact Us.