Welcome Aboard…
as we chart our course to Christ.
The Catholic Navigator and The Catholic Tugboat sail weekly in the course of St. Peter’s Barque. These publications — we call them faith supplements — derive their nautical theme from the age-old symbol for the Catholic Church described in the right sidebar. Our purpose as a Catholic lay apostolate is to assist parishes, parochial schools, and individuals in their faith formation and enrichment efforts.
The upcoming weekly issues of these faith supplements are posted each Monday morning for reading and download on The Galley, Food for Thought page. The sources for all articles and additional references are posted each Monday at noon (EST) on Issue Sources page.
Following the lead of the Church’s Magisterium and guided by ecclesiastic approval — the Imprimatur on each issue — we strive to accommodate the interests of those who treasure the beauty and richness in the liturgy, history, teachings, and traditions of the Catholic Church. Our Catholic heritage is a treasure beyond reckoning which we presently hold in trust to pass on to those who will follow Christ after us. Our Catholic culture thus remains a light unto the world.
As we enter the fifteenth year of our apostolate, we move ever closer to our ultimate goal: a fleet of faith supplements devoted to assisting in whole-family catechesis. Each of our publications addresses a different segment of the Catholic population, as discussed on the About Us page of this website. There we also explain the focus of this website with a special emphasis on source materials used in writing each issue.
For Liturgical Year (LY) 2025 we continue our policies for parishes and parochial schools. (See Special Notice below)
For individuals visiting this website, the weekly Faith Supplements are found for free download on The Galley page.
Special Notice to Parishes and Parochial Schools
We are keeping our policy changes that began with the onset of the pandemic: both publications posted weekly at our website’s Galley page may be downloaded, emailed, and/or posted to parish/school websites as intact PDF files. We ask only that a link to our website accompany any email or posting: https://thecatholicnavigator.org